Let's Change The Way We Eat
Who is one of the best rappers if not the best rapper of all time? Surely somebody said 2Pac. Have you ever listened to his song Changes? I'm sure you have, its one of his most popular songs still heard on the radio today. That's what made Pac great, he can make a street song, a radio song. or a radio song that's still street. But the point is if you listen to the song Changes, there's the part where he talks to you saying we need to change this and that. We Gotta Make Some Changes. Notice the first thing he lists. "We need to change the way we eat."
More people will latch on to the following Change the way we treat each other and lets change the way we live. But why would 2Pac put the way we eat in there with such important topics. And why would he say it first? Because that where Change all starts.
Your brain is part of your body. If your body is weak, so is your brain. If your mind is weak, your soul is at risk. You won't make the right choices. You won't be able to think right. Your body will be slow and feel heavy. Your thoughts will slow down too. Everything is conncected. If your soul isn't right, you won't feed your body right. If your body isn't right, your soul can't be right.
We are water. Earth is 75% water. Humans are 75% water. Hydration is the key for life. Not air. Space if full of "air". Our planets air contains oxygen and hydrogen. The same thing as water. Our body doesn't use the nitrogen in the air, and oxygen alone isn't enough, so really its the oxygen with hydrogen combo. Just like gills can breath air in water. Lungs can breath water in air. We shower in water to refresh. As babies we sit in fluid already alive. The clouds are floating above us full of water raining down on us, yet we think we are above water.
Anyway... water is key to health. Drink water, not soda. Not juice. Not coffee. Not milk. Water. H-2-0. It's like the gas to the car.
So about actual diet. I'm not cerified nutritonist, doctor, or anything, but someone who is telling how I live and how I eat to be more health conscious.
First, I cut out the sugar. It's difficult if not impossible to cut out all sugar, but as much as you can. Its in everything, from condiments, breads, drinks, health food, to vitamins. its even in dental products like mouthwash and gum. Yeah lets coat our teeth in sugar so they smell good while they rot even faster. Tricks played by the dental industry.
Sugar feeds molds and bacteria found in the body and on the skin. Sugar can be fermented in the body and turned to alcohol along with carbs and fibers. Alcohol is fermented sugar so drinking is bad. Alcohol sugars are already broken down, so there's not much the body can do to them.
Cut out salt. High sodium leads to high blood pressure. High sodium leads to dehydration. A little bit of salt is good and nessesary in the diet. But its already in everything, there's no need to add extra or to go after salty food. Salt retains water, so in a dry environment it hold water in the body, so you don't sweat it all out. If you have too much salt tho, it will retain all the water making you puffy. Its not good to retain all the water, as your body need to flush out toxins. You need to keep drinking water until you flush the salt out then the excess water. Also ice cold water or any beverage is no good as it clenches the digestive system causing backup.
No love for pigs. I stopped eating ham, bacon, and anything pork. Careful its even in jello. No pulled pork, kalua pig, spam, nothing. (Just waiting to go back to Hawaii, "no pork no shrimp? brah") I will ask nowdays what kind of potstickers. Chicken and beef only. The Bible clearly state a pig is not clean by the standards set. HE was warning us, not demanding us. Why would I want to eat something God himself is saying is no good. Do you know better than GOD?
Its funny they will serve us food against the original testiments and call it "soul food". Soul food was slave food deemed garbage be the masters. Only now that its soul food aka black people food is it seen as cool. And good chance the restaurant probly isn't black owned... What race does still own their own food? I haven't seen a Japanese owned Japanese restaurant in 20 years.
Have you ever seen a healthy pig? Doubt it, 'cause I haven't. They are fat covered animals that eat anything and lay in their own filth. You are what you eat. Now look at the average pork eating American. Just sayin...
If you want more info on pigs and why not to eat them, read Dr. Kellog's (Yes the man behind the cereal) paper he wrote about the pig. Learn about the secretion glands found in the pigs arms and the bile fluid they are filled with. Learn about their living conditions how they prefer sleeping in shit than a nice clean grassy knoll. Learn how they eat their own dead or their own shit. Learn about the trichina worms that live in pigs that borrow in human brains once consumed.
There's also the info that pigs are grafted man made animals with the purpose of being a garbage disposal. Bred from genes of the cat, rat, and dog. Look at the flesh. Pink and short fur like a rat. A rat's tail that's curled up like a dog. The face alone you can see it. The long nose of a rat, the snout of a dog, and the pointed ears of a cat. I've even heard there is human DNA in pigs. Now that's just crazy you might say. But look up medical reports on labs using pig organs to put in people because they say the DNA is very similar. Hmmmm.
I still eat fish, but only if they have scales and lay eggs. So no catfish (no scales), no octopus anymore, no squid anymore, no shrimp, crab, lobster, shellfish of any sort. You might say, "what no shrimp?" Once you realize its a sea bug made to clean the ocean floor of shit and dead creatures, it doesn't sound so appetizing anymore does it? First time someone told me they don't eat bugs, I mean shrimp. (Really didn't mean to.) was my Korean friend in high school Tyler. (Aka Li Po to some, fucked up ain't it.) He said "No I don't eat shrimp, those are bugs." I never heard of anyone, especially an Asian comrad, where we have been taught to be cool with eating almost anything. (No dog please. Just kidding but some countries do that. And Japanese will eat anything under the sea, even a sea slug or a dolphin.) I thought he was "buggin". Now it all makes sense. I went crabbing just to watch them crawl on each other like roaches to get the last nibble of rotten fish head of the stinky dirty docks. Lobsters were prison food that nobody wanted. All those creatures are the oceans garbage system. Clams filter shit. Shellfish poisoning is a real thing, yet we still act like there are edible. Any animal is technically edible, doesn't mean we should eat humans. There's obvious health risks there.
I could never be a vegetarian. I like chicken, beef, fish, eggs. Defiately not vegan. Butter is better than most vegetable oil but don't go crazy. Unsalted is best. Cheese is ok, but in small amounts. It contains molds and fogs the brain. It's also very addictive and is bad for the digestive system as well. Milk is bad. That's for baby cows, not humans. Drink a bunch of milk and tell me you don't get the shits. It can't be processed by adults. Even as a baby I could not drink milk (a common thing for Jap babies) and had to have the special formula. Whatever that is, who's know what's in that...
Everything has been tainted. Even steaks have anitibiotics, growth hormones, presevatives, and food dye. Not every ingredient has to be listed if its not a food ingredient. Roasts are glued together with cuts of potentially thousand of different cows. It takes one sick cow to taint the entire batch of bugers. Chicken are now bred to be fat as possible. No longer healthy, these chicken are not healthy to eat. Full of hormones. The wings are so tiny, I have to ask if its really a pigeon they served me.
So cutting out sugar. That goes for natural sugar as well. So limit fruit even. Fruit is still sugar. Sugar is also hidden in many forms and names. From fructose. sucrose, maltose, and anything ose really. Honey is good suagr and has antibacterial properties, but don't just eat plain honey all day on everything. Moderation . Fruit are full of vitamins and are suposed to be used more like medicine. Eat an orange when you feel tired and need vitamin c boost. Coconut to replenish . The saw certain fruit have toxins, like paw paw the only native north american tropical fruit. Yes you can grown a tropical fruit that can withstand freezing. Why haven't you heard of these. Because the governemnt labeled them unhealthy for containg annocins. These annocins have to power to kill most sickness. Why would they label that unhealty? Just like anything, too much can be bad. Apples have cianide. Doesn't mean an apple will kill you. Maybe a gmo one will. Learn the numbers on the stickers.
Vegetables must be healthy right? Well.... Brocoli's man made and has both positive and negative effects if over eaten. As with about any food. Steak all day wouldn't be good just like only fruits and veggies isn't good. I've never seen a healthy looking vegetarian. They always look a little... dull. Like they turned into a plant.
Limit or cut out soy. Again its in everything and its a common filler from meat to granola bars to about everything. Soy is like a natural estrogen effecting hormones in both male and female. Making males more feminine, and females more masculine . By giving women artificial hormones their own body stops producing as much.
Peanuts are not healty. They are covered in mold. Look at the average peanut when you crack it open. Covered in mold. Enough said. Don't think mushing it up in peanut butter and adding sugar gets rid of it. Or roasting it. Roasted mold mmmmm.
I limit bread. It has yeast that can ferment and its a carb aka sugar so its no mystery why they use bread to speed up fermantation in homemade liquor. Imagine what its doin in your bloated belly. Bread also has human or pig hair in it as a preservative. Why is it if I bake fresh bread its stale in a day if left out, but they store bread is out for weeks? The hair. The preservatives. The chemicals.
I cut out all meds. I would rather heal myself with what I eat and don't eat, then taking a pill as a quick cover-up. They all have side effects and make you even worse. If everyone was healthy, the hospitals, doctors, and the entire medical inductry would go out of business. We wouldn't need doctors to chop us up if we had more nutritionists to prevent it. More people working out instead of doin' weight losss surgery. All surgery makes you weaker after, not stronger. You will never be the same.
Your body can heal naturally. If we are made up of atoms and particles, then its all about replacing the bad particles with new good particles. Huh? For instance, everyday you shead skin and hair, yet you grow more. You can't see it but it happens. The body is never the same as it was before, its losing pieces and building pieces. You body can only build with what you put in it. If you shed skin and only have pizza, soda, and drugs in your body, guess what your new skin will be made of?
So I think that's enough for now.... 4Ril 4TheRadio new episode (Number 178.) Should be tonite. (1-5-25). Converting to a video and uploading now as I write this at 4:24pm. Just missed 4:20 oh well. That's really a weird number ritual on the 6. (4+2+0). First episode of the new year 2025. So its an hour and a half episode. Just to start the year off right. Plus I've only been doin' about a mix a week, where as I was doin 2 a week on the FM. I've been focussing a lot on getting actual songs out here. Making a lot of beats, songs, mixing, mastering. Building the site. Been out there promoting flyers. So be ready for a lot of good shit on the way.
Phil 4Ril